My Story: Becoming an Insurance Agent


insurance agent

Becoming an Insurance Agent

My clients ask me all the time how I became a life and health insurance agent. “Have you always wanted to be in insurance?”  they’ll ask. To which I say “Ha! Absolutely not.” Then they’ll ask “ how did you decide to join the insurance business?” and I’m left scratching my head trying to figure out how to tell them. I never really did pick this world, I believe it picked me.

I was born in Lafayette, Indiana, but I would visit California frequently. During one visit, I met and married a man. We decided to stay in California together. My parents moved to California to be with me. We started a family in this new home. Life was great for quite a while. But after several difficult years, I decided to move my family back to Lafayette. My parents were thrilled to come home! And I was excited to show my kiddos how great life in a small community could be.

Before the move, I was working for the state of Ca, in The Food and Agriculture Department. I figured it would be pretty easy to find a job with Purdue University and all of its agriculture! But for some reason, this just wasn’t the case. At this point, I was a single mom of a high-schooler and middle-schooler, and I was desperate for a job that could take care of them! A local insurance agency said they were willing to not only hire me but train me! Even though I had zero experience in the insurance world! But I had a few problems

#1 The idea of commission totally freaked me out

Insurance is all about high pressures sales, right? Nobody likes a high-pressure salesperson. I knew that was something I could not be, and could the commission keep me afloat? I debated this over and over again.
But the desperation won. I was out of options., out of time, and almost out of money! So I agreed to this insurance world.


I quickly learned that the insurance business does not have to be about high pressures sales. In fact, I believe if you are doing it right, it shouldn’t be about sales at all. Insurance meant an opportunity for me to help people in desperate need to protect themselves and their loved ones.

During my time with that company, I learned the difference between insurance agents that are just in it for the money and insurance agents that truly care about their customers. It was such a blessing to have the opportunity to work for that company and learn from those who had been doing it for so long. It didn’t take me long to realize that working for one insurance company revealed some MAJOR downside for my clients. I didn’t have the ability to shop around for them to get the best deal.

To get a variety of options for my clients and to help them get the absolute best product for them,  at the best price, I was going to have to be contracted with many insurance companies. So I made the leap and started LinC Financial Group. We are currently contracted with over 30 different insurance companies, meaning I can do the shopping for my customers. No more working to the insurance company! Now I work for my clients. With this set up I am now in the position to put my clients and my morals first in all that I do.

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